We’re always working here. Keep an eye out!

In the meantime, here’s some stuff we provide that you can add to your sites or hosting plans.

We’re always working here. Keep an eye out!

Local and live optimization image compression plugin for your site.

Security and Protection


On average, 30,000 new websites are hacked every single day. Take preventive measures against attacks on your site before it’s too late.


Easily compress your entire media library, single images or new images on-upload, plus create WebP and adaptive sizes that offer 30% smaller file sizes on average over traditional formats.



An AI-powered, all-in-one SEO suite that takes the guesswork out of search engine optimization and helps walk you through your SEO step-by-step to increase your ranking.

Stay Informed

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What's with these apes and stuff?

Well, we're not afraid of creative marketing or originality. We also happen to like quality NFT's and since we own a few, we've opted to use them in some marketing campaigns and on our site to show support for the NFT projects and communities we support.
Our mascot needs a name. Can you help?
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